Quantum Blockchains

Increasing the security of blockchains
Accelerating the adoption of quantum cryptography

About Us

Quantum Blockchains has two primary aims: to bolster blockchain security and to champion the more widespread adoption of quantum cryptography. In today's digital landscape, blockchains hold a pivotal position, firmly rooted in foundational cryptographic principles and algorithms. Blockchains serve as the optimal platform for pioneering and implementing state-of-the-art quantum-resistant cryptographic methods. Our dedication to elevating blockchain security not only addresses broader security challenges but also aids our clients in adopting quantum-resistant cryptography.

Our Products

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Seamless and Cost-Efficient Transition to Quantum Cryptography.


pQKD is our groundbreaking cybersecurity solution designed to accelerate the transition towards quantum-resistant cryptographic systems.


Quantum Secured Blockchain implements the three pillars of quantum-resistant cryptography: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), and Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG).

Our Whitepaper

Our whitepaper comes to fruition after an intense year and several months of developmental efforts and represents a seminal moment in our journey, as it formally introduces the Quantum Secured Blockchain (QSB) software implementation. The QSB is a pioneering technology, conceived, developed, and presently being deployed by Quantum Blockchains Inc. The QSB’s primary mission is to exemplify a robust blockchain that can resist anticipated cryptographic attacks from quantum computers.

Our whitepaper kicks off with a quick look back at how we started out, from just being a theory to building a real blockchain based on Substrate, one of the top frameworks in the game.

Next up, we dig into why blockchain technology needs to gear up for the Quantum Era that's coming up. Mainly, it's about dodging the bullet that Quantum Computers can be. We briefly touch on the common ways to keep blockchains safe, then we present our own brainchild - the QSB, short for Quantum Secured Blockchain.

This system cranks up the security by using three fundamental quantum-resistant technologies: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG), and Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC). After that, we introduce our pQKD device that's currently waiting on a patent. This device is gonna make deploying a quantum secured blockchain something we can actually pull off.

Finally, we wrap things up by going over our newest invention, which plans to use quantum communication to solve the age-old problem of consensus in blockchain systems.


Our Partnerships

Quantum Blockchains Inc. enters into partnership agreement with companies and institutions which are creating quantum cryptography software and hardware solutions, blockchain oriented companies and companies creating tools that help in creation of quantum cryptography awareness.

Our Papers

Marta Misiaszek-Schreyner, Miriam Kosik, Mirek SopekTime-Bin CKA as a tool for blockchain technology
At Quantum Blockchains, our pursuits extend beyond the daily enhancements of our Quantum Secured Blockchain and Quantum Cryptography Migration System. We are consistently envisioning the horizon of technological advancements. We firmly believe that the realm of quantum information science holds the key to a truly efficient and reliable blockchain consensus protocol. Our recent publication on ArXiv (https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.16289) delves into the potential of the Time-Bin Conference Key Agreement (TB CKA) protocol as an avenue for achieving consensus among multiple parties. Our paper elucidates the potential physical implementation using the time-bin entanglement protocol and exemplifies how this procedure can be perceived as a quintessential realization of the global common coin primitive. Following this, we demonstrate how TB CKA can be integrated into classical consensus algorithms, forging hybrid classical-quantum solutions. This innovative approach addresses the Byzantine Agreement challenge, circumventing the well-known blockchain consensus hurdles presented by the FLP impossibility result and Brewer's CAP theorem.
Marta Misiaszek-Schreyner, Mirek SopekCKA as a tool for blockchain technology
Quantum Blockchains' internal communication - April 2022
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